Produktcode: 201270
Transistoren > MOSFET N-CH

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Weitere Produktangebote BXP4N65F

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BXP4N65F BXP4N65F Hersteller : BRIDGELUX BXP4N65.pdf Category: THT N channel transistors
Description: Transistor: N-MOSFET; unipolar; 650V; 2.5A; Idm: 16A; 37W; TO220F
Type of transistor: N-MOSFET
Polarisation: unipolar
Drain-source voltage: 650V
Drain current: 2.5A
Pulsed drain current: 16A
Power dissipation: 37W
Case: TO220F
Gate-source voltage: ±30V
On-state resistance: 2.8Ω
Mounting: THT
Gate charge: 13nC
Kind of package: tube
Kind of channel: enhanced
Anzahl je Verpackung: 1 Stücke
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BXP4N65F BXP4N65F Hersteller : BRIDGELUX BXP4N65.pdf Category: THT N channel transistors
Description: Transistor: N-MOSFET; unipolar; 650V; 2.5A; Idm: 16A; 37W; TO220F
Type of transistor: N-MOSFET
Polarisation: unipolar
Drain-source voltage: 650V
Drain current: 2.5A
Pulsed drain current: 16A
Power dissipation: 37W
Case: TO220F
Gate-source voltage: ±30V
On-state resistance: 2.8Ω
Mounting: THT
Gate charge: 13nC
Kind of package: tube
Kind of channel: enhanced
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Produktcode: 14727
Hersteller: ST
Transistoren > MOSFET N-CH
Gehäuse: TO-220
Uds,V: 600
Idd,A: 10
Rds(on), Ohm: 0.75
Ciss, pF/Qg, nC: 1370/50
auf Bestellung 195 Stück:
Lieferzeit 21-28 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis ohne MwSt
1+1.4 EUR