Suchergebnisse für "AG Chemia" : 59

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FREEZE 300ml Kältespray Vereisungsspray für Elektronik-Fehlersuche farblos
FREEZE 300ml Kältespray Vereisungsspray für Elektronik-Fehlersuche farblos
Produktcode: 82742
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AG Termopasty description Chemie > Sonstige Chemie
Beschreibung: Froster Aerosol
Anwendung: Fehlerisolierung, Testen von elektronischen Geräten
Verpackung: 300ml
Для тестування
verfügbar: 17 Stück
1+4.69 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ESN62PB36AG/8 паяльна паста 179 ° C 62Sn/36Pb/2Ag (ART.AGT-023)
ESN62PB36AG/8 паяльна паста 179 ° C 62Sn/36Pb/2Ag (ART.AGT-023)
Produktcode: 35856
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AG Chemia Lötgeräte, Lötmaterial > Lote, Lötpasten
Kategorie: Lötpaste
Beschreibung: Lötmaterial; Sn62Pb36Ag2; Paste; Spritze; 8g.; 2,5ml; Flussmittel:No Clean; 15%
Gewicht: 8g.
Склад сплаву: Sn62Pb36Ag2
Температура плавлення: 179°C
№ 6: Свинцевий
auf Bestellung 70 Stück:
Lieferzeit 21-28 Tag (e)
1+2.66 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Graphit Lack LAK-GRAF Graphit Lack LAK-GRAF
Produktcode: 32933
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AG Chemia Chemie > Sonstige Chemie
Beschreibung: Graphit Lack
Anwendung: Застосовується для відновлення графітового шару пультів (захисту срібних контактів від шкідливого контакту срібла з гумою) і створення та відновлення доріжок друкованих плат. Лак вимагає затвердіння. Набір містить два флакони. В одному знаходиться графітний лак, у другому розчинник.
verfügbar: 19 Stück
3 Stück - stock Köln
16 Stück - lieferbar in 3-4 Wochen
1+2.47 EUR
10+2.31 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
KALAFONIA-100 Kolophonium aktiv 100g.. (Polen)
KALAFONIA-100 Kolophonium aktiv 100g.. (Polen)
Produktcode: 82748
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AG Chemia description Lötgeräte, Lötmaterial > Lötflussmittel
Категорія: Flussmittel
Опис: Flussmittel: Kolophonium; No Clean, RMA; Harz;100g.. Aktiv. Adipinsäure (2,5%)
Вага/Об’єм/К-сть: 100 g
auf Bestellung 75 Stück:
Lieferzeit 21-28 Tag (e)
1+4.00 EUR
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KALAFONIA-35 Kolophonium aktiv 40g.. (Polen)
KALAFONIA-35 Kolophonium aktiv 40g.. (Polen)
Produktcode: 27196
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AG Chemia description Lötgeräte, Lötmaterial > Lötflussmittel
Категорія: Flussmittel
Опис: Flussmittel: Kolophonium; No Clean, RMA; Harz; metall - Dose; 35g.. Aktiv. Adipinsäure (2,5%)
Вага/Об’єм/К-сть: 40 g
auf Bestellung 178 Stück:
Lieferzeit 21-28 Tag (e)
erwartet 10 Stück:
1+2.00 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
KALAFONIA-500 Kolophonium aktiv 500 g.. (Polen) KALAFONIA-500 Kolophonium aktiv 500 g.. (Polen)
Produktcode: 82749
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AG Chemia description Lötgeräte, Lötmaterial > Lötflussmittel
Категорія: Kolophonium
Опис: Kolophonium aktiv
Вага/Об’єм/К-сть: 500g.
verfügbar: 54 Stück
6 Stück - stock Köln
48 Stück - lieferbar in 3-4 Wochen
1+4.48 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Kontakt IPA Plus Flasche 1L Isopropanol Entfetter Elektronik Reiniger AGT-003
Kontakt IPA Plus Flasche 1L Isopropanol Entfetter Elektronik Reiniger AGT-003
Produktcode: 82737
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AG Chemia description Chemie > Reinigungsmittel
Опис: Reiniger
Призначення: universell- reinigungs Mittel für Elektronik, Feinmechanik und Optik.
Упаковка: 1L
Тип: Засоби очищення
auf Bestellung 19 Stück:
Lieferzeit 21-28 Tag (e)
1+9.50 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Kontakt IPA Plus Flasche 500ml Isopropanol Entfetter Elektronik Reiniger AGT-105
Kontakt IPA Plus Flasche 500ml Isopropanol Entfetter Elektronik Reiniger AGT-105
Produktcode: 82738
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AG Chemia description Chemie > Reinigungsmittel
Опис: Reiniger
Призначення: universell- reinigungs Mittel für Elektronik, Feinmechanik und Optik.
Упаковка: 500мл
Тип: Засоби очищення
verfügbar: 58 Stück
15 Stück - stock Köln
43 Stück - lieferbar in 3-4 Wochen
1+5.60 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Leitpaste PASTA-SILH-25 AGT-056 25g weiss Wärmeleitpaste
Leitpaste PASTA-SILH-25 AGT-056 25g weiss Wärmeleitpaste
Produktcode: 82751
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AG Chemia description Chemie > Wärmeleitende Materialien
Опис: Thermopaste auf Silikon Basis
Призначення: erleichtert die Übertragung von Wärme von den elektronischen Bauelementen zum Kühlkörper;
Упаковка: 25g.
Тип: Термопаста
Теплопровідність: 0,88 W/mK
auf Bestellung 11 Stück:
Lieferzeit 21-28 Tag (e)
1+2.37 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Loetsaeure Ortho-Phosphorsaure 35ml
Loetsaeure Ortho-Phosphorsaure 35ml
Produktcode: 82756
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AG Chemia description Lötgeräte, Lötmaterial > Lötflussmittel
Категорія: Кислота паяльна
Опис: Препарат призначений для підготовки до пайки нікельованих важкопаяльних поверхонь
Вага/Об’єм/К-сть: 35ml
auf Bestellung 81 Stück:
Lieferzeit 21-28 Tag (e)
1+3.15 EUR
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SENO-4007 (Entwickler universell für Photolack, 22g.) SENO-4007 (Entwickler universell für Photolack, 22g.)
Produktcode: 25194
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AG Chemia Chemie > Für Herstellung von Leiterplatten
Опис: Entwickler universell für Photolack 22g.
Призначення: Entwickler universell für Photolack
Упаковка: 22g.
verfügbar: 10 Stück
1+1.36 EUR
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Produktcode: 82753
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AG Chemia AG-Klej-termoprzewodzacy.pdf Chemie > Wärmeleitende Materialien
Опис: wärmeleitend Klebstoff
Призначення: Kühler, Trockenzeit 2...8Minuten
Упаковка: 120 г
Тип: Теплопровідний клей
Теплопровідність: 0,9 W/mK
auf Bestellung 20 Stück:
Lieferzeit 21-28 Tag (e)
1+18.20 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Produktcode: 32935
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AG Chemia description Chemie > Schmierstoffe
Опис: Vaseline technisch, metall. Verpackung 35g.
Призначення: für Schmierung
Упаковка: 35g.
Мастильний матеріал
verfügbar: 100 Stück
5 Stück - stock Köln
95 Stück - lieferbar in 3-4 Wochen
1+0.95 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
AGT-011; Видалення флюсів, захист від корозії, знежирення, очищення; 60ml; AG Chemia
auf Bestellung 8 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
AGT-216; Стиснене повітря; 400ml; AG Chemia
auf Bestellung 18 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
AGT-229; Стиснене повітря; 300ml; AG Chemia
auf Bestellung 25 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-007 AG TERMOPASTY PR-400ML_EN.pdf Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT PR; 60ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Capacity: 60ml
Kind of package: can
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Application: cleaning; lubrication; regeneration
Agent application: potentiometers
Appearance: spray
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P261: Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician; P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness
Signal word: Danger
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07
auf Bestellung 91 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
20+3.62 EUR
22+3.32 EUR
26+2.80 EUR
28+2.65 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 20
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-008 AG TERMOPASTY PR-400ML_EN.pdf Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT PR; 300ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Capacity: 0.3l
Kind of package: can
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Application: cleaning; lubrication; regeneration
Agent application: potentiometers
Appearance: spray
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P261: Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician; P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness
Signal word: Danger
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07
auf Bestellung 30 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
11+6.91 EUR
14+5.33 EUR
15+5.05 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 11
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-009 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT S; 300ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 0.3l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: cleaning; preservation
Agent application: electrical contacts; electronic equipment
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility.; H373: May cause damage to organs; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P201: Obtain special instructions before use.; P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician; P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08
auf Bestellung 67 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
9+8.09 EUR
11+6.69 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 9
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-010 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT S; 60ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 60ml
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: cleaning; preservation
Agent application: electrical contacts; electronic equipment
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility.; H373: May cause damage to organs; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P201: Obtain special instructions before use.; P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician; P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08
auf Bestellung 41 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
20+3.65 EUR
21+3.45 EUR
22+3.32 EUR
28+2.63 EUR
29+2.49 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 20
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-011 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT U; 60ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 60ml
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: cleaning; degreasing; flux removing; protection against corrosion
Agent application: electrical contacts; PCBs
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility.; H373: May cause damage to organs; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P201: Obtain special instructions before use.; P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P302 + P352: IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water; P304 + P340: IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08
auf Bestellung 26 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
20+3.65 EUR
21+3.52 EUR
22+3.36 EUR
26+2.75 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 20
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-012 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT U; 300ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 0.3l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: cleaning; degreasing; flux removing; protection against corrosion
Agent application: electrical contacts; PCBs
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility.; H373: May cause damage to organs; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P201: Obtain special instructions before use.; P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P302 + P352: IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water; P304 + P340: IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08
auf Bestellung 45 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
12+5.96 EUR
14+5.36 EUR
15+5.08 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 12
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-015 AG TERMOPASTY Silicon Oil ANG TDS.pdf Category: Lubricants
Description: Oil; colourless; silicone; liquid; plastic container; 100ml
Type of chemical agent: oil
Capacity: 0.1l
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: isolation; lubrication; sealed
Agent application: bearings; plastics
Colour: colourless
Kind of agent: silicone
auf Bestellung 40 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
11+6.72 EUR
16+4.62 EUR
17+4.38 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 11
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-016 AG TERMOPASTY Silicon Oil ANG TDS.pdf Category: Lubricants
Description: Oil; colourless; silicone; spray; can; OLEJ SILIKONOWY; 300ml
Type of chemical agent: oil
Capacity: 0.3l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: isolation; lubrication; sealed
Agent application: bearings; plastics
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility.; H373: May cause damage to organs; H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P391: Collect spillage.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08; GHS09
Colour: colourless
Kind of agent: silicone
auf Bestellung 37 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
8+9.14 EUR
12+6.18 EUR
13+5.85 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 8
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-017 ART.AGT-017 AG TERMOPASTY Vaseline Oil ANG TDS-2.pdf Category: Lubricants
Description: Oil; colourless; vaseline; liquid; plastic container; 50ml
Type of chemical agent: oil
Capacity: 50ml
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent application: metals; plastics; rubber
Colour: colourless
Kind of agent: vaseline
auf Bestellung 27 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
27+2.65 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 27
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-018 ART.AGT-018 AG TERMOPASTY Vaseline Oil ANG TDS-2.pdf Category: Lubricants
Description: Oil; colourless; vaseline; liquid; plastic container; 100ml
Type of chemical agent: oil
Capacity: 0.1l
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent application: metals; plastics; rubber
Colour: colourless
Kind of agent: vaseline
auf Bestellung 48 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
19+3.83 EUR
20+3.68 EUR
28+2.63 EUR
29+2.49 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 19
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-019 ART.AGT-019 AG TERMOPASTY Vaseline Oil ANG TDS-2.pdf Category: Lubricants
Description: Oil; colourless; vaseline; spray; can; 300ml; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: oil
Capacity: 0.3l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent application: metals; plastics; rubber
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02
Colour: colourless
Kind of agent: vaseline
auf Bestellung 28 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
10+7.19 EUR
13+5.79 EUR
14+5.48 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 10
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-022 ART.AGT-022 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Protection & screen coatings
Description: Varnish; graphite; 2ml; Application: creates conducting coating
Type of chemical agent: varnish
Capacity: 2ml
Kind of package: tube
Application: creates conducting coating
Agent application: electronic equipment
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H225: Highly flammable liquid and vapour.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P243: Take precautionary measures against static discharge.; P271: Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P304 + P340: IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.; P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07
Agent features: two-component
Grease ingredients: graphite
auf Bestellung 50 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
15+5.06 EUR
19+3.85 EUR
20+3.63 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 15
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-048 ART.AGT-048 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaner; 1l; liquid; plastic container; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaner
Capacity: 1l
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: flux removing; impurities removing
Agent application: PCBs
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H225: Highly flammable liquid and vapour.; H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P261: Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.; P271: Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P330 + P331: IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting; P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08; GHS09
Agent features: based on alcohol
auf Bestellung 30 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
5+14.69 EUR
6+12.37 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 5
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-050 ART.AGT-050 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaner; 1l; liquid; plastic container; Features: water based
Type of chemical agent: cleaner
Capacity: 1l
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: flux removing; impurities removing
Agent application: PCBs; SMD stencil
Agent features: water based
auf Bestellung 10 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
10+7.15 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 10
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-062 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Lubricants
Description: Vaseline; white; paste; plastic container; Features: acid-free
Type of chemical agent: vaseline
Colour: white
Appearance: paste
Kind of package: plastic container
Agent application: bearings; electrical contacts; plastics; rubber
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent features: acid-free
Net weight: 0.5kg
auf Bestellung 12 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
8+10.10 EUR
9+8.05 EUR
10+7.61 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 8
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-064 ART.AGT-064 AG TERMOPASTY Smar TF ANG TDS.pdf Category: Lubricants
Description: Grease; paste; Ingredients: PTFE,silicone; tube; SMAR TF; 3.5g
Type of chemical agent: grease
Appearance: paste
Grease ingredients: PTFE; silicone
Kind of package: tube
Application: lubrication; preservation
Agent features: good resistance to oxygenation, water solution of acids
Agent application: electronic equipment; gears; plastics
Net weight: 3.5g
auf Bestellung 223 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
53+1.37 EUR
54+1.33 EUR
59+1.23 EUR
60+1.20 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 53
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-065 ART.AGT-065 AG TERMOPASTY Smar TF ANG TDS.pdf Category: Lubricants
Description: Grease; paste; Ingredients: PTFE,silicone; plastic container
Type of chemical agent: grease
Appearance: paste
Grease ingredients: PTFE; silicone
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: lubrication; preservation
Agent features: good resistance to oxygenation, water solution of acids
Agent application: electronic equipment; gears; plastics
Net weight: 20g
auf Bestellung 17 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
17+4.20 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 17
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-066 ART.AGT-066 AG TERMOPASTY Smar TF ANG TDS.pdf Category: Lubricants
Description: Grease; paste; Ingredients: PTFE,silicone; plastic container
Type of chemical agent: grease
Appearance: paste
Grease ingredients: PTFE; silicone
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: lubrication; preservation
Agent features: good resistance to oxygenation, water solution of acids
Agent application: electronic equipment; gears; plastics
Net weight: 60g
auf Bestellung 24 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
11+6.91 EUR
13+5.59 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 11
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-068 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Lubricants
Description: Vaseline; white; paste; plastic container; Features: acid-free
Type of chemical agent: vaseline
Appearance: paste
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent application: bearings; electrical contacts; plastics; rubber
Agent features: acid-free
Net weight: 20g
Colour: white
auf Bestellung 46 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
41+1.77 EUR
45+1.60 EUR
46+1.56 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 41
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-069 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Lubricants
Description: Vaseline; white; paste; can; Features: acid-free; 35g
Type of chemical agent: vaseline
Appearance: paste
Kind of package: can
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent application: bearings; electrical contacts; plastics; rubber
Agent features: acid-free
Net weight: 35g
Colour: white
auf Bestellung 16 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
16+4.46 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 16
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-070 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Lubricants
Description: Vaseline; white; paste; plastic container; Features: acid-free
Type of chemical agent: vaseline
Appearance: paste
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent application: bearings; electrical contacts; plastics; rubber
Agent features: acid-free
Net weight: 900g
Colour: white
auf Bestellung 43 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
6+12.43 EUR
7+11.74 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 6
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-077 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Lubricants
Description: Vaseline; white; paste; sqeeze bottle with applicator; 65g
Type of chemical agent: vaseline
Appearance: paste
Kind of package: sqeeze bottle with applicator
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent application: bearings; electrical contacts; plastics; rubber
Agent features: acid-free
Net weight: 65g
Colour: white
auf Bestellung 41 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
20+3.58 EUR
22+3.39 EUR
24+3.09 EUR
25+2.92 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 20
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-080 AG TERMOPASTY MACHINE-OIL-65_EN.pdf Category: Lubricants
Description: Oil; liquid; plastic container; OLIWA DO MASZYN; 65ml
Type of chemical agent: oil
Capacity: 65ml
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: lubrication
Agent application: gears; guides; hinges; locks; rolling and slide bearings for low speed and high pressure applications
auf Bestellung 13 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
13+5.51 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 13
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-081 ART.AGT-081 AG TERMOPASTY Smar TF ANG TDS.pdf Category: Lubricants
Description: Grease; paste; Ingredients: PTFE,silicone; SMAR TF; 65ml
Type of chemical agent: grease
Appearance: paste
Grease ingredients: PTFE; silicone
Kind of package: sqeeze bottle with applicator
Capacity: 65ml
Application: lubrication; preservation
Agent features: good resistance to oxygenation, water solution of acids
Agent application: electronic equipment; gears; plastics
auf Bestellung 7 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
7+10.21 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 7
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-104 ART.AGT-104 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; 1l; liquid; plastic container
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 1l
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: degreasing; dust removing; impurities removing; nicotine stains removing
Agent application: plastics
Signal word: Warning
Hazard statements: H226: Flammable liquid and vapour.
Precautionary statements: P102: Keep out of reach of children.; P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.
GHS Code: GHS02
auf Bestellung 14 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
14+5.11 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 14
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-133/P AG TERMOPASTY Category: Chemicals others
Description: Gas leakage detector; 0.4l; spray
Type of chemical agent: gas leakage detector
Capacity: 0.4l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: verifying leak tightness of gas pipelines
Agent application: break systems; connections; pipes; tanks; valves
Signal word: Warning
Hazard statements: H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.; P337 + P313: If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS07
Agent features: grease-free; makes foam on the leakage spot; odorless; silicone free; suitable for all gases (including oxygen); water based
auf Bestellung 27 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
8+9.45 EUR
10+7.25 EUR
11+6.86 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 8
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-182 ART.AGT-182 AG TERMOPASTY CLEAN-LCD-100_EN.pdf Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; 250ml; liquid; bottle with atomizer
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 0.25l
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: bottle with atomizer
Application: cleaning; dust removing; impurities removing
Agent application: LCD/TFT displays; screens
auf Bestellung 25 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
20+3.73 EUR
21+3.45 EUR
23+3.13 EUR
25+2.96 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 20
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Description: Agent: cleaning agent; 1l; Appearance: liquid; metal container
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 1l
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: metal container
Application: flux removing; for ultrasonic washer; soldeing paste removing
Available labels languages: BG; CZ; DE; EN; FI; HU; PL; RO; RU; SK
Agent features: harmless; non-flammable; water based
auf Bestellung 57 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
5+14.43 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 5
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-209 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; 400ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 0.4l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Available labels languages: DE; EN; PL; RU
Application: adhesives removing; cleaning; degreasing; deposits removing; grease removing; oil removing; removing dried oils; surface preparation prior to painting
Agent application: breaks and couplings; metals
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H361: Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child; H373: May cause damage to organs; H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician; P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08; GHS09
auf Bestellung 25 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
13+5.62 EUR
15+4.78 EUR
16+4.50 EUR
24+4.33 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 13
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-212 AG TERMOPASTY TESTER-CO-400_EN.pdf Category: Chemicals others
Description: CO sensors tester; 0.4l; spray
Type of chemical agent: CO sensors tester
Capacity: 0.4l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: testing smoke detectors for correct operation
Agent application: carbon monoxide users; chimney sweeping services; technical services
Signal word: Warning
Hazard statements: H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.; P337 + P313: If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention; P410 + P403: Protect from sunlight. Store in a well-ventilated place.
GHS Code: GHS04
Agent features: does not pollute
auf Bestellung 20 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
7+10.72 EUR
9+8.25 EUR
10+7.81 EUR
12+7.79 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 7
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-217 ART.AGT-217 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Protection & screen coatings
Description: Varnish; transparent; liquid; 1000ml; LAKIER PVB; Temp: -50÷150°C
Type of chemical agent: varnish
Colour: transparent
Appearance: liquid
Capacity: 1l
Kind of package: bottle
Operating temperature: -50...150°C
Flash point: 380°C
Available labels languages: BG; CZ; DE; EN; FI; HU; PL; RO; RU; SK
Agent application: electronic equipment; PCBs
Application: isolation; prevening from moisture; prevents short circuits and corona discharge; prevents stray currents and short circuit; protection against corrosion
Agent features: good adhesion to metal, plastic and wood; re-soldering may be effectuated through the coating layer
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H225: Highly flammable liquid and vapour.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H318: Causes serious eye damage; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P261: Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.; P264: Wash ...thoroughly after handling; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.; P310: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.; P312: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS05; GHS07
auf Bestellung 31 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
3+24.55 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 3
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-226 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; 400ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 0.4l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: cleaning; degreasing; flux removing; protection against corrosion
Agent application: electrical contacts; PCBs
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility.; H373: May cause damage to organs; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P201: Obtain special instructions before use.; P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P302 + P352: IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water; P304 + P340: IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08
auf Bestellung 35 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
7+10.61 EUR
8+9.21 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 7
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-227 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT S; 400ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 0.4l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: cleaning; preservation
Agent application: electrical contacts; electronic equipment
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility.; H373: May cause damage to organs; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P201: Obtain special instructions before use.; P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician; P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08
auf Bestellung 22 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
7+11.27 EUR
8+9.25 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 7
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-237 ART.AGT-237 AG TERMOPASTY PCB-CLEANER_100_EN.pdf Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaner; 0.1l; spray; can; flux removing,impurities removing
Type of chemical agent: cleaner
Capacity: 0.1l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: flux removing; impurities removing
Agent application: PCBs
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P271: Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07
Agent features: based on alcohol
auf Bestellung 5 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
5+14.30 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 5
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-238 AG TERMOPASTY PCB-CLEANER_100_EN.pdf Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaner; 0.4l; spray; can; flux removing,impurities removing
Type of chemical agent: cleaner
Capacity: 0.4l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: flux removing; impurities removing
Agent application: PCBs
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P271: Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07
Agent features: based on alcohol
auf Bestellung 246 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
9+8.29 EUR
10+7.32 EUR
11+7.01 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 9
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-250 ART.AGT-250 AG TERMOPASTY CONDRUB-50-50_EN.pdf Category: Chemicals others
Description: Electrically conductive rubber; black; W: 50mm; L: 50mm; Thk: 0.5mm
Type of chemical agent: electrically conductive rubber
Width: 50mm
Agent features: electrically conductive
Thickness: 0.5mm
Colour: black
Application: calculators; control boards; for computer; for notebooks
Length: 50mm
auf Bestellung 7 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
7+10.21 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 7
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-251 ART.AGT-251 AG TERMOPASTY CONDRUB-50-150_EN.pdf Category: Chemicals others
Description: Electrically conductive rubber; black; W: 50mm; L: 150mm
Type of chemical agent: electrically conductive rubber
Width: 50mm
Agent features: electrically conductive
Thickness: 0.5mm
Colour: black
Application: calculators; control boards; for computer; for notebooks
Length: 0.15m
auf Bestellung 18 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
17+4.29 EUR
18+4.05 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 17
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-254 AG TERMOPASTY PR-400ML_EN.pdf Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT PR; 400ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Capacity: 0.4l
Kind of package: can
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Application: cleaning; lubrication; regeneration
Agent application: potentiometers
Appearance: spray
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P261: Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician; P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness
Signal word: Danger
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07
auf Bestellung 5 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
5+14.30 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 5
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-272 AG TERMOPASTY SOLDER-ACID-100_EN.pdf SOLDER-ACID-100_DE.pdf Category: Soldering Chemicals Others
Description: Agent: soldering acid; for difficult to tin nickel surfaces
Type of chemical agent: soldering acid
Capacity: 0.5l
Application: for difficult to tin nickel surfaces
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H314: Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
Precautionary statements: P101: If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.; P102: Keep out of reach of children.; P103: Read label before use; P260: Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.; P264: Wash ...thoroughly after handling; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P330 + P331: IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting; P303 + P361 + P353: IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower.; P304 + P340: IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.; P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.; P310: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.; P363: Wash contaminated clothing before reuse; P405: Store locked up.; P501: Dispose of contents/container to ...
auf Bestellung 19 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
6+13.71 EUR
7+10.94 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 6
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Заморожувальний аерозоль FREEZE-300ML, 300мл. (ART.AGT-020) AG Chemia AG TermoPasty(уцінка)
Produktcode: 200614
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

Chemie > Sonstige Chemie
Produkt ist nicht verfügbar
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Alcohol PCB cleaner 1L Alcohol PCB cleaner 1L
Produktcode: 82754
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

AG Chemia Chemie > Reinigungsmittel
Опис: Entferner auf Spirit Basis
Призначення: Entfernung Flussmittel, Entfernung Verschmutzungen
Упаковка: 1л
Тип: Средства очистки
Produkt ist nicht verfügbar
1+12.32 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Каніфоль AG Chemia KALAFONIA-20 AG Chemia
Produkt ist nicht verfügbar
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-178 ART.AGT-178 AG TERMOPASTY Category: Lubricants
Description: Grease; spray; Ingredients: PTFE; can; 400ml; -50÷260°C
Type of chemical agent: grease
Capacity: 0.4l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: lubrication
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02
Agent features: dry lubricant; low friction factor
Grease ingredients: PTFE
Operating temperature: -50...260°C
Resistance to: moisture; most of oils; most of solvents
Produkt ist nicht verfügbar
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
FREEZE 300ml Kältespray Vereisungsspray für Elektronik-Fehlersuche farblos
Produktcode: 82742
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

Hersteller: AG Termopasty
Chemie > Sonstige Chemie
Beschreibung: Froster Aerosol
Anwendung: Fehlerisolierung, Testen von elektronischen Geräten
Verpackung: 300ml
Для тестування
verfügbar: 17 Stück
Anzahl Preis
1+4.69 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ESN62PB36AG/8 паяльна паста 179 ° C 62Sn/36Pb/2Ag (ART.AGT-023)
Produktcode: 35856
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

Hersteller: AG Chemia
Lötgeräte, Lötmaterial > Lote, Lötpasten
Kategorie: Lötpaste
Beschreibung: Lötmaterial; Sn62Pb36Ag2; Paste; Spritze; 8g.; 2,5ml; Flussmittel:No Clean; 15%
Gewicht: 8g.
Склад сплаву: Sn62Pb36Ag2
Температура плавлення: 179°C
№ 6: Свинцевий
auf Bestellung 70 Stück:
Lieferzeit 21-28 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
1+2.66 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Graphit Lack LAK-GRAF
Produktcode: 32933
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

Graphit Lack LAK-GRAF
Hersteller: AG Chemia
Chemie > Sonstige Chemie
Beschreibung: Graphit Lack
Anwendung: Застосовується для відновлення графітового шару пультів (захисту срібних контактів від шкідливого контакту срібла з гумою) і створення та відновлення доріжок друкованих плат. Лак вимагає затвердіння. Набір містить два флакони. В одному знаходиться графітний лак, у другому розчинник.
verfügbar: 19 Stück
3 Stück - stock Köln
16 Stück - lieferbar in 3-4 Wochen
Anzahl Preis
1+2.47 EUR
10+2.31 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
KALAFONIA-100 Kolophonium aktiv 100g.. (Polen)
Produktcode: 82748
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

Hersteller: AG Chemia
Lötgeräte, Lötmaterial > Lötflussmittel
Категорія: Flussmittel
Опис: Flussmittel: Kolophonium; No Clean, RMA; Harz;100g.. Aktiv. Adipinsäure (2,5%)
Вага/Об’єм/К-сть: 100 g
auf Bestellung 75 Stück:
Lieferzeit 21-28 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
1+4.00 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
KALAFONIA-35 Kolophonium aktiv 40g.. (Polen)
Produktcode: 27196
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

Hersteller: AG Chemia
Lötgeräte, Lötmaterial > Lötflussmittel
Категорія: Flussmittel
Опис: Flussmittel: Kolophonium; No Clean, RMA; Harz; metall - Dose; 35g.. Aktiv. Adipinsäure (2,5%)
Вага/Об’єм/К-сть: 40 g
auf Bestellung 178 Stück:
Lieferzeit 21-28 Tag (e)
erwartet 10 Stück:
Anzahl Preis
1+2.00 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
KALAFONIA-500 Kolophonium aktiv 500 g.. (Polen)
Produktcode: 82749
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

KALAFONIA-500 Kolophonium aktiv 500 g.. (Polen)
Hersteller: AG Chemia
Lötgeräte, Lötmaterial > Lötflussmittel
Категорія: Kolophonium
Опис: Kolophonium aktiv
Вага/Об’єм/К-сть: 500g.
verfügbar: 54 Stück
6 Stück - stock Köln
48 Stück - lieferbar in 3-4 Wochen
Anzahl Preis
1+4.48 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Kontakt IPA Plus Flasche 1L Isopropanol Entfetter Elektronik Reiniger AGT-003
Produktcode: 82737
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

Hersteller: AG Chemia
Chemie > Reinigungsmittel
Опис: Reiniger
Призначення: universell- reinigungs Mittel für Elektronik, Feinmechanik und Optik.
Упаковка: 1L
Тип: Засоби очищення
auf Bestellung 19 Stück:
Lieferzeit 21-28 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
1+9.50 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Kontakt IPA Plus Flasche 500ml Isopropanol Entfetter Elektronik Reiniger AGT-105
Produktcode: 82738
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

Hersteller: AG Chemia
Chemie > Reinigungsmittel
Опис: Reiniger
Призначення: universell- reinigungs Mittel für Elektronik, Feinmechanik und Optik.
Упаковка: 500мл
Тип: Засоби очищення
verfügbar: 58 Stück
15 Stück - stock Köln
43 Stück - lieferbar in 3-4 Wochen
Anzahl Preis
1+5.60 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Leitpaste PASTA-SILH-25 AGT-056 25g weiss Wärmeleitpaste
Produktcode: 82751
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

Hersteller: AG Chemia
Chemie > Wärmeleitende Materialien
Опис: Thermopaste auf Silikon Basis
Призначення: erleichtert die Übertragung von Wärme von den elektronischen Bauelementen zum Kühlkörper;
Упаковка: 25g.
Тип: Термопаста
Теплопровідність: 0,88 W/mK
auf Bestellung 11 Stück:
Lieferzeit 21-28 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
1+2.37 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Loetsaeure Ortho-Phosphorsaure 35ml
Produktcode: 82756
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

Hersteller: AG Chemia
Lötgeräte, Lötmaterial > Lötflussmittel
Категорія: Кислота паяльна
Опис: Препарат призначений для підготовки до пайки нікельованих важкопаяльних поверхонь
Вага/Об’єм/К-сть: 35ml
auf Bestellung 81 Stück:
Lieferzeit 21-28 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
1+3.15 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
SENO-4007 (Entwickler universell für Photolack, 22g.)
Produktcode: 25194
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

SENO-4007 (Entwickler universell für Photolack, 22g.)
Hersteller: AG Chemia
Chemie > Für Herstellung von Leiterplatten
Опис: Entwickler universell für Photolack 22g.
Призначення: Entwickler universell für Photolack
Упаковка: 22g.
verfügbar: 10 Stück
Anzahl Preis
1+1.36 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Produktcode: 82753
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

Hersteller: AG Chemia
Chemie > Wärmeleitende Materialien
Опис: wärmeleitend Klebstoff
Призначення: Kühler, Trockenzeit 2...8Minuten
Упаковка: 120 г
Тип: Теплопровідний клей
Теплопровідність: 0,9 W/mK
auf Bestellung 20 Stück:
Lieferzeit 21-28 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
1+18.20 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Produktcode: 32935
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

Hersteller: AG Chemia
Chemie > Schmierstoffe
Опис: Vaseline technisch, metall. Verpackung 35g.
Призначення: für Schmierung
Упаковка: 35g.
Мастильний матеріал
verfügbar: 100 Stück
5 Stück - stock Köln
95 Stück - lieferbar in 3-4 Wochen
Anzahl Preis
1+0.95 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
AGT-216; Стиснене повітря; 400ml; AG Chemia
auf Bestellung 18 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
AGT-229; Стиснене повітря; 300ml; AG Chemia
auf Bestellung 25 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-007 PR-400ML_EN.pdf
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT PR; 60ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Capacity: 60ml
Kind of package: can
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Application: cleaning; lubrication; regeneration
Agent application: potentiometers
Appearance: spray
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P261: Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician; P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness
Signal word: Danger
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07
auf Bestellung 91 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
20+3.62 EUR
22+3.32 EUR
26+2.80 EUR
28+2.65 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 20
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-008 PR-400ML_EN.pdf
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT PR; 300ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Capacity: 0.3l
Kind of package: can
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Application: cleaning; lubrication; regeneration
Agent application: potentiometers
Appearance: spray
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P261: Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician; P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness
Signal word: Danger
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07
auf Bestellung 30 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
11+6.91 EUR
14+5.33 EUR
15+5.05 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 11
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT S; 300ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 0.3l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: cleaning; preservation
Agent application: electrical contacts; electronic equipment
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility.; H373: May cause damage to organs; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P201: Obtain special instructions before use.; P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician; P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08
auf Bestellung 67 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
9+8.09 EUR
11+6.69 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 9
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT S; 60ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 60ml
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: cleaning; preservation
Agent application: electrical contacts; electronic equipment
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility.; H373: May cause damage to organs; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P201: Obtain special instructions before use.; P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician; P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08
auf Bestellung 41 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
20+3.65 EUR
21+3.45 EUR
22+3.32 EUR
28+2.63 EUR
29+2.49 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 20
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT U; 60ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 60ml
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: cleaning; degreasing; flux removing; protection against corrosion
Agent application: electrical contacts; PCBs
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility.; H373: May cause damage to organs; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P201: Obtain special instructions before use.; P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P302 + P352: IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water; P304 + P340: IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08
auf Bestellung 26 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
20+3.65 EUR
21+3.52 EUR
22+3.36 EUR
26+2.75 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 20
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT U; 300ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 0.3l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: cleaning; degreasing; flux removing; protection against corrosion
Agent application: electrical contacts; PCBs
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility.; H373: May cause damage to organs; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P201: Obtain special instructions before use.; P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P302 + P352: IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water; P304 + P340: IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08
auf Bestellung 45 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
12+5.96 EUR
14+5.36 EUR
15+5.08 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 12
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-015 Silicon Oil ANG TDS.pdf
Category: Lubricants
Description: Oil; colourless; silicone; liquid; plastic container; 100ml
Type of chemical agent: oil
Capacity: 0.1l
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: isolation; lubrication; sealed
Agent application: bearings; plastics
Colour: colourless
Kind of agent: silicone
auf Bestellung 40 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
11+6.72 EUR
16+4.62 EUR
17+4.38 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 11
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-016 Silicon Oil ANG TDS.pdf
Category: Lubricants
Description: Oil; colourless; silicone; spray; can; OLEJ SILIKONOWY; 300ml
Type of chemical agent: oil
Capacity: 0.3l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: isolation; lubrication; sealed
Agent application: bearings; plastics
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility.; H373: May cause damage to organs; H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P391: Collect spillage.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08; GHS09
Colour: colourless
Kind of agent: silicone
auf Bestellung 37 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
8+9.14 EUR
12+6.18 EUR
13+5.85 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 8
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-017 Vaseline Oil ANG TDS-2.pdf
Category: Lubricants
Description: Oil; colourless; vaseline; liquid; plastic container; 50ml
Type of chemical agent: oil
Capacity: 50ml
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent application: metals; plastics; rubber
Colour: colourless
Kind of agent: vaseline
auf Bestellung 27 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
27+2.65 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 27
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-018 Vaseline Oil ANG TDS-2.pdf
Category: Lubricants
Description: Oil; colourless; vaseline; liquid; plastic container; 100ml
Type of chemical agent: oil
Capacity: 0.1l
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent application: metals; plastics; rubber
Colour: colourless
Kind of agent: vaseline
auf Bestellung 48 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
19+3.83 EUR
20+3.68 EUR
28+2.63 EUR
29+2.49 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 19
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-019 Vaseline Oil ANG TDS-2.pdf
Category: Lubricants
Description: Oil; colourless; vaseline; spray; can; 300ml; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: oil
Capacity: 0.3l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent application: metals; plastics; rubber
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02
Colour: colourless
Kind of agent: vaseline
auf Bestellung 28 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
10+7.19 EUR
13+5.79 EUR
14+5.48 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 10
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Protection & screen coatings
Description: Varnish; graphite; 2ml; Application: creates conducting coating
Type of chemical agent: varnish
Capacity: 2ml
Kind of package: tube
Application: creates conducting coating
Agent application: electronic equipment
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H225: Highly flammable liquid and vapour.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P243: Take precautionary measures against static discharge.; P271: Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P304 + P340: IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.; P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07
Agent features: two-component
Grease ingredients: graphite
auf Bestellung 50 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
15+5.06 EUR
19+3.85 EUR
20+3.63 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 15
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaner; 1l; liquid; plastic container; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaner
Capacity: 1l
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: flux removing; impurities removing
Agent application: PCBs
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H225: Highly flammable liquid and vapour.; H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P261: Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.; P271: Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P330 + P331: IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting; P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08; GHS09
Agent features: based on alcohol
auf Bestellung 30 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
5+14.69 EUR
6+12.37 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 5
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaner; 1l; liquid; plastic container; Features: water based
Type of chemical agent: cleaner
Capacity: 1l
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: flux removing; impurities removing
Agent application: PCBs; SMD stencil
Agent features: water based
auf Bestellung 10 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
10+7.15 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 10
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Lubricants
Description: Vaseline; white; paste; plastic container; Features: acid-free
Type of chemical agent: vaseline
Colour: white
Appearance: paste
Kind of package: plastic container
Agent application: bearings; electrical contacts; plastics; rubber
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent features: acid-free
Net weight: 0.5kg
auf Bestellung 12 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
8+10.10 EUR
9+8.05 EUR
10+7.61 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 8
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-064 Smar TF ANG TDS.pdf
Category: Lubricants
Description: Grease; paste; Ingredients: PTFE,silicone; tube; SMAR TF; 3.5g
Type of chemical agent: grease
Appearance: paste
Grease ingredients: PTFE; silicone
Kind of package: tube
Application: lubrication; preservation
Agent features: good resistance to oxygenation, water solution of acids
Agent application: electronic equipment; gears; plastics
Net weight: 3.5g
auf Bestellung 223 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
53+1.37 EUR
54+1.33 EUR
59+1.23 EUR
60+1.20 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 53
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-065 Smar TF ANG TDS.pdf
Category: Lubricants
Description: Grease; paste; Ingredients: PTFE,silicone; plastic container
Type of chemical agent: grease
Appearance: paste
Grease ingredients: PTFE; silicone
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: lubrication; preservation
Agent features: good resistance to oxygenation, water solution of acids
Agent application: electronic equipment; gears; plastics
Net weight: 20g
auf Bestellung 17 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
17+4.20 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 17
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-066 Smar TF ANG TDS.pdf
Category: Lubricants
Description: Grease; paste; Ingredients: PTFE,silicone; plastic container
Type of chemical agent: grease
Appearance: paste
Grease ingredients: PTFE; silicone
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: lubrication; preservation
Agent features: good resistance to oxygenation, water solution of acids
Agent application: electronic equipment; gears; plastics
Net weight: 60g
auf Bestellung 24 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
11+6.91 EUR
13+5.59 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 11
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Lubricants
Description: Vaseline; white; paste; plastic container; Features: acid-free
Type of chemical agent: vaseline
Appearance: paste
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent application: bearings; electrical contacts; plastics; rubber
Agent features: acid-free
Net weight: 20g
Colour: white
auf Bestellung 46 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
41+1.77 EUR
45+1.60 EUR
46+1.56 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 41
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Lubricants
Description: Vaseline; white; paste; can; Features: acid-free; 35g
Type of chemical agent: vaseline
Appearance: paste
Kind of package: can
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent application: bearings; electrical contacts; plastics; rubber
Agent features: acid-free
Net weight: 35g
Colour: white
auf Bestellung 16 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
16+4.46 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 16
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Lubricants
Description: Vaseline; white; paste; plastic container; Features: acid-free
Type of chemical agent: vaseline
Appearance: paste
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent application: bearings; electrical contacts; plastics; rubber
Agent features: acid-free
Net weight: 900g
Colour: white
auf Bestellung 43 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
6+12.43 EUR
7+11.74 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 6
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Lubricants
Description: Vaseline; white; paste; sqeeze bottle with applicator; 65g
Type of chemical agent: vaseline
Appearance: paste
Kind of package: sqeeze bottle with applicator
Application: lubrication; protection against corrosion
Agent application: bearings; electrical contacts; plastics; rubber
Agent features: acid-free
Net weight: 65g
Colour: white
auf Bestellung 41 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
20+3.58 EUR
22+3.39 EUR
24+3.09 EUR
25+2.92 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 20
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Lubricants
Description: Oil; liquid; plastic container; OLIWA DO MASZYN; 65ml
Type of chemical agent: oil
Capacity: 65ml
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: lubrication
Agent application: gears; guides; hinges; locks; rolling and slide bearings for low speed and high pressure applications
auf Bestellung 13 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
13+5.51 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 13
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-081 Smar TF ANG TDS.pdf
Category: Lubricants
Description: Grease; paste; Ingredients: PTFE,silicone; SMAR TF; 65ml
Type of chemical agent: grease
Appearance: paste
Grease ingredients: PTFE; silicone
Kind of package: sqeeze bottle with applicator
Capacity: 65ml
Application: lubrication; preservation
Agent features: good resistance to oxygenation, water solution of acids
Agent application: electronic equipment; gears; plastics
auf Bestellung 7 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
7+10.21 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 7
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; 1l; liquid; plastic container
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 1l
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: plastic container
Application: degreasing; dust removing; impurities removing; nicotine stains removing
Agent application: plastics
Signal word: Warning
Hazard statements: H226: Flammable liquid and vapour.
Precautionary statements: P102: Keep out of reach of children.; P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.
GHS Code: GHS02
auf Bestellung 14 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
14+5.11 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 14
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Chemicals others
Description: Gas leakage detector; 0.4l; spray
Type of chemical agent: gas leakage detector
Capacity: 0.4l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: verifying leak tightness of gas pipelines
Agent application: break systems; connections; pipes; tanks; valves
Signal word: Warning
Hazard statements: H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.; P337 + P313: If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS07
Agent features: grease-free; makes foam on the leakage spot; odorless; silicone free; suitable for all gases (including oxygen); water based
auf Bestellung 27 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
8+9.45 EUR
10+7.25 EUR
11+6.86 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 8
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-182 CLEAN-LCD-100_EN.pdf
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; 250ml; liquid; bottle with atomizer
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 0.25l
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: bottle with atomizer
Application: cleaning; dust removing; impurities removing
Agent application: LCD/TFT displays; screens
auf Bestellung 25 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
20+3.73 EUR
21+3.45 EUR
23+3.13 EUR
25+2.96 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 20
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Cleaning Agents
Description: Agent: cleaning agent; 1l; Appearance: liquid; metal container
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 1l
Appearance: liquid
Kind of package: metal container
Application: flux removing; for ultrasonic washer; soldeing paste removing
Available labels languages: BG; CZ; DE; EN; FI; HU; PL; RO; RU; SK
Agent features: harmless; non-flammable; water based
auf Bestellung 57 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
5+14.43 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 5
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; 400ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 0.4l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Available labels languages: DE; EN; PL; RU
Application: adhesives removing; cleaning; degreasing; deposits removing; grease removing; oil removing; removing dried oils; surface preparation prior to painting
Agent application: breaks and couplings; metals
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H361: Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child; H373: May cause damage to organs; H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician; P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08; GHS09
auf Bestellung 25 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
13+5.62 EUR
15+4.78 EUR
16+4.50 EUR
24+4.33 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 13
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-212 TESTER-CO-400_EN.pdf
Category: Chemicals others
Description: CO sensors tester; 0.4l; spray
Type of chemical agent: CO sensors tester
Capacity: 0.4l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: testing smoke detectors for correct operation
Agent application: carbon monoxide users; chimney sweeping services; technical services
Signal word: Warning
Hazard statements: H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.; P337 + P313: If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/attention; P410 + P403: Protect from sunlight. Store in a well-ventilated place.
GHS Code: GHS04
Agent features: does not pollute
auf Bestellung 20 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
7+10.72 EUR
9+8.25 EUR
10+7.81 EUR
12+7.79 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 7
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Protection & screen coatings
Description: Varnish; transparent; liquid; 1000ml; LAKIER PVB; Temp: -50÷150°C
Type of chemical agent: varnish
Colour: transparent
Appearance: liquid
Capacity: 1l
Kind of package: bottle
Operating temperature: -50...150°C
Flash point: 380°C
Available labels languages: BG; CZ; DE; EN; FI; HU; PL; RO; RU; SK
Agent application: electronic equipment; PCBs
Application: isolation; prevening from moisture; prevents short circuits and corona discharge; prevents stray currents and short circuit; protection against corrosion
Agent features: good adhesion to metal, plastic and wood; re-soldering may be effectuated through the coating layer
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H225: Highly flammable liquid and vapour.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H318: Causes serious eye damage; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P261: Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.; P264: Wash ...thoroughly after handling; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.; P310: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.; P312: Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS05; GHS07
auf Bestellung 31 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
3+24.55 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 3
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; 400ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 0.4l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: cleaning; degreasing; flux removing; protection against corrosion
Agent application: electrical contacts; PCBs
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility.; H373: May cause damage to organs; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P201: Obtain special instructions before use.; P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P302 + P352: IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water; P304 + P340: IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08
auf Bestellung 35 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
7+10.61 EUR
8+9.21 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 7
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT S; 400ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Capacity: 0.4l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: cleaning; preservation
Agent application: electrical contacts; electronic equipment
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H315: Causes skin irritation; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H361f: Suspected of damaging fertility.; H373: May cause damage to organs; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P201: Obtain special instructions before use.; P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician; P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07; GHS08
auf Bestellung 22 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
7+11.27 EUR
8+9.25 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 7
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaner; 0.1l; spray; can; flux removing,impurities removing
Type of chemical agent: cleaner
Capacity: 0.1l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: flux removing; impurities removing
Agent application: PCBs
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P271: Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07
Agent features: based on alcohol
auf Bestellung 5 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
5+14.30 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 5
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaner; 0.4l; spray; can; flux removing,impurities removing
Type of chemical agent: cleaner
Capacity: 0.4l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: flux removing; impurities removing
Agent application: PCBs
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness; H412: Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P271: Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.; P273: Avoid release to the environment.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07
Agent features: based on alcohol
auf Bestellung 246 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
9+8.29 EUR
10+7.32 EUR
11+7.01 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 9
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-250 CONDRUB-50-50_EN.pdf
Category: Chemicals others
Description: Electrically conductive rubber; black; W: 50mm; L: 50mm; Thk: 0.5mm
Type of chemical agent: electrically conductive rubber
Width: 50mm
Agent features: electrically conductive
Thickness: 0.5mm
Colour: black
Application: calculators; control boards; for computer; for notebooks
Length: 50mm
auf Bestellung 7 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
7+10.21 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 7
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-251 CONDRUB-50-150_EN.pdf
Category: Chemicals others
Description: Electrically conductive rubber; black; W: 50mm; L: 150mm
Type of chemical agent: electrically conductive rubber
Width: 50mm
Agent features: electrically conductive
Thickness: 0.5mm
Colour: black
Application: calculators; control boards; for computer; for notebooks
Length: 0.15m
auf Bestellung 18 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
17+4.29 EUR
18+4.05 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 17
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
ART.AGT-254 PR-400ML_EN.pdf
Category: Cleaning & maintaining products
Description: Cleaning agent; KONTAKT PR; 400ml; spray; can; Signal word: Danger
Capacity: 0.4l
Kind of package: can
Type of chemical agent: cleaning agent
Application: cleaning; lubrication; regeneration
Agent application: potentiometers
Appearance: spray
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P261: Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P310: IF SWALLOWED: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician; P331: Do NOT induce vomiting.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.; H319: Causes serious eye irritation; H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness
Signal word: Danger
GHS Code: GHS02; GHS07
auf Bestellung 5 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
5+14.30 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 5
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Soldering Chemicals Others
Description: Agent: soldering acid; for difficult to tin nickel surfaces
Type of chemical agent: soldering acid
Capacity: 0.5l
Application: for difficult to tin nickel surfaces
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H314: Causes severe skin burns and eye damage.
Precautionary statements: P101: If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.; P102: Keep out of reach of children.; P103: Read label before use; P260: Do not breathe dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.; P264: Wash ...thoroughly after handling; P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.; P301 + P330 + P331: IF SWALLOWED: rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting; P303 + P361 + P353: IF ON SKIN (or hair): Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower.; P304 + P340: IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.; P305 + P351 + P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.; P310: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.; P363: Wash contaminated clothing before reuse; P405: Store locked up.; P501: Dispose of contents/container to ...
auf Bestellung 19 Stücke:
Lieferzeit 14-21 Tag (e)
Anzahl Preis
6+13.71 EUR
7+10.94 EUR
Mindestbestellmenge: 6
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Заморожувальний аерозоль FREEZE-300ML, 300мл. (ART.AGT-020) AG Chemia AG TermoPasty(уцінка)
Produktcode: 200614
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

Produkt ist nicht verfügbar
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Alcohol PCB cleaner 1L
Produktcode: 82754
zu Favoriten hinzufügen Lieblingsprodukt

Alcohol PCB cleaner 1L
Hersteller: AG Chemia
Chemie > Reinigungsmittel
Опис: Entferner auf Spirit Basis
Призначення: Entfernung Flussmittel, Entfernung Verschmutzungen
Упаковка: 1л
Тип: Средства очистки
Produkt ist nicht verfügbar
Anzahl Preis
1+12.32 EUR
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Каніфоль AG Chemia KALAFONIA-20
Hersteller: AG Chemia
Produkt ist nicht verfügbar
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH
Category: Lubricants
Description: Grease; spray; Ingredients: PTFE; can; 400ml; -50÷260°C
Type of chemical agent: grease
Capacity: 0.4l
Appearance: spray
Kind of package: can
Application: lubrication
Signal word: Danger
Hazard statements: H222: Extremely flammable aerosol.; H229: Pressurised container: May burst if heated.
Precautionary statements: P210: Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. – No smoking.; P211: Do not spray on an open flame or other ignition source.; P251: Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use.; P410 + P412: Protect from sunlight. Do no expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.
GHS Code: GHS02
Agent features: dry lubricant; low friction factor
Grease ingredients: PTFE
Operating temperature: -50...260°C
Resistance to: moisture; most of oils; most of solvents
Produkt ist nicht verfügbar
Im Einkaufswagen  Stück im Wert von  UAH